
Cool Down this Summer with ICONIC Popsicles

Cool Down this Summer with ICONIC Popsicles

Is it just us, or is it hot in here? With the mercury rising and summer in full swing, you’re on the hunt for refreshment. And, look, we get it. Ice cream is really great. But if you want to pass on that post-sugar slump and the tummy troubles that can come with all that lactose, don’t worry. There’s another icy, delicious treat waiting in the wings for you. 

Let’s make popsicles, people

It’s popsicles. Specifically, popsicles made with ICONIC protein. This way, you get all our creamy-but-lactose-free goodness from our grass-fed cows, our natural sweeteners with no added sugar per serving, and the protein your body needs. Basically, you can make a sweet treat so healthy you could have it for breakfast guilt-free. Now that’s a great way to start a summer day!

How to make ICONIC popsicles

Really, if you’re a believer in the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) principle, you only need two things to make your popsicles: a couple of bottles of ICONIC and a popsicle mold. Pour your bottles into the mold, freeze, and voilà! Popsicles are ready. 

You can even get crazy and mix-and-match flavors. We love pouring half Chocolate Truffle, half Café Latte in for a mocha pop. 

Now, want to step your popsicle game up a level? Let’s get crazy and add some fruit. Try sliced bananas with Chocolate Truffle. (Pro tip: frozen fruit is usually cheaper and it’ll help your popsicles set faster.) 

Or looking for a perfect summer pick-me-up popsicle? Add a shot of espresso with your Café Latte for a treat with some zip. 

And if you already have a popsicle recipe you love, you can add our Vanilla Protein Powder to keep the taste on point while giving your body a protein boost. 

The options are endless! What kind of popsicles will you pop out this summer?

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