Superfood Spotlight: We’re Nuts About Nuts & Seeds
You want to make good food choices. Really, you do. And you might even have it squared away at mealtime, kicked off with a meal prep list than any nutritionist would happily approve.
But then 2:30 pm rolls around — and you feel it. That little twinge in your stomach. Dinner’s far away and you’re going to need something to get you through. It’s snack time.
The problem with snacks is that we need them to be convenient. No one (or, okay, at least very few people) is going to labor in the kitchen to put together a snack. When you want something to fill you up between meals, you’re looking for a grab-and-go option. All too often, that means pre-packaged junk foods or the stale donuts someone brought in this morning.
Or, if you’re health-conscious and want something tasty and nutritious, it could be nuts and seeds.
The scoop on a scoopful of seeds and nuts.
Nuts and seeds are one of the best snack options on the planet. They’re full of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which means they’re a filling and satisfying snack that gives your body a boost.
Some of the healthiest nuts include:
- Macadamia nuts
- Almonds
- Walnuts
- Pecans
- Pistachios
- Cashews
- Brazil nuts
While healthy seeds to keep at the ready include:
- Flax
- Chia
- Pumpkin
- Hemp
- Sesame
And put down the peanuts, people. They’re actually a legume, despite their very misleading name.
The best ways to eat nuts and seeds.
Noshing on nuts is pretty straightforward. Grab a handful. Pop it in your mouth. Boom. But be smart when you’re picking them out at the store. Raw, unsalted varieties are best for you.
Seeds can be a little trickier. I mean, sure, you could eat flaxseeds by the handful. But, uh, do you want to? So prep a chia pudding (one part chia seeds to three parts non-dairy milk, plus any flavorings you want), pop it in your work fridge in the morning, and treat yourself with a filling, healthy snack in the afternoon. Sprinkle seeds over a salad for a boost in flavor and nutrients. Find what works for you and your afternoon snack will be healthier and more filling.
We’ll leave you with this pro tip: store nuts and seeds in your fridge or freezer. They’re not cheap and keeping them chilled prevents them from going rancid so you didn’t waste that money.